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Light Bulb


 Solutions for a decentralized grid

As the world shifts to renewable sources of energy, the grid is becoming more complex, with multi-directional flows of energy, intermittency, and a growing range of generation and storage options. This decentralization has sparked demand for solutions that can cope with, and optimize complexity. Although market leading technologies such as PV, lithium ion, and wind energy turbines are largely commoditized, with large scale production difficult to compete with. However, there are many ancillary niche areas which Titan believes it can contribute value, especially for companies looking to expand their reach in Southeast Asia. Titan has a strong network in this space, from private IPPs, to service providers and public grid operators. 

Energy Savings Calculator

Grid Systems

  • Distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS)

  • Virtual power plants

  • Grid response solutions

  • Commercial energy storage solutions

Battery Screen

Energy Storage

  • Fuel Cells 

  • Commercial energy storage solutions

  • Battery technologies

  • EV solutions

Solar Panel Installation


  • Innovative & niche market renewable systems 

  • Commercial service providers and operators

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